Faculty and Researchers

Principal Investigators

Silvia M. Arribas Rodríguez

Dra. Silvia M. Arribas Rodríguez

Head of area: Oxidative Stress, Fetal Programming and Cardiometabolic Health


PhD in Biomolecular Sciences. Her research was focused on the fetal programming of the cardiovascular disease. She has extensive expertis in the oxidative stress pathways and their implication to physio-pathology balance. She was head of Physiology Department where is Full Professor of human physiology.

María Ángeles Martín Cabrejas

Dra. María Ángeles Martín Cabrejas

Head of area: Food Technology and New Ingredient Development


PhD in Chemical Sciences. Her research studies the revalorization of agri-food by-products as strategy to obtain new ingredients. She has experience in the characterization of plant-derived products and their conversion into food ingredients. She is Full Professor receiving the Plan for Research and Technological Innovation award (Spain).

Junior Investigators

Ignacio Monedero Cobeta

Dr. Ignacio Monedero Cobeta

Genes & Genomic Technology unit


PhD in Molecular Biology. He is a specialist in developmental biology and molecular factors to control neuronal division. He studies the proliferation of the nervous system and its effect on memory. He is an Associate Professor of Physiology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

David Ramiro Cortijo

Dr. David Ramiro Cortijo

Pregnancy and Lactation unit


PhD in Pharmacology and Physiology. He is focuse on perinatal stage and psycho-biological aspect of health. He is an Assistant Professor of Physiology in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

Yolanda Aguilera Gutiérrez

Dra. Yolanda Aguilera Gutiérrez

New Ingredient Development unit


PhD in Food Science and Technology. Her research focuses on insects for human consumption and the effect on health by antioxidant compounds. She is a Professor in the Agricultural Chemistry Unit of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

Vanesa Benitez García

Dra. Vanesa Benitez García

Food Technology unit


PhD in Agricultural Chemistry. She is focused on effect of fiber on human health. She is an Associate Professor in the Agricultural Chemistry Unit of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

Pilar Rodríguez Rodríguez

Dra. Pilar Rodríguez Rodríguez

Fetal Programming unit and Animal models


PhD in Pharmacology and Physiology. She explores, in animal models, the oxidative stress and pathways related of cardiovascular health and diseases.

Alicia Gil Ramírez

Dra. Alicia Gil Ramírez

Funtional Foods unit


PhD in Biology and Food Sciences. She studies the sustainable technologies in food to promote health. She is an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry Unit of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Chemist and PhD in Food Science and Technology. Specialist in molecular pathways related to biactive compounds of food.

PhD Students

Nutritionist and dietician specializing in human physiology. Focused on the study of cardiovascular improvements through functional foods.

Food technologist specializing in bioactive compounds. Focused on the study of cardiovascular improvements through functional foods.

Biochemistry specializing in bioactive compounds. Focused on the study of cardiovascular improvements through functional foods.

Chemist specializing in novel foods ingredients. Focused on the revaluation of coffee by-products to study of cardiovascular improvements through functional foods.

Chemist specializing in coffee by-products ingredients. Focused on the extraction with supercritical fluids to study of the bioactivity of foods.

Emeritus Professors

  • María Rosario López Giménez

    Dra. María Rosario López Giménez

  • Ángel L. López de Pablo León

    Dr. Ángel L. López de Pablo León

  • María del Carmen González

    Dra. María del Carmen González

External Collaborators and Advisory Board

  • Dra. Begoña Quintana Villamandos

    Cardiac surgery unit of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Madrid, Spain)

  • Dra. Maria de la Calle Fernández-Miranda

    High-risk unit of OBS Service; Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid, Spain)

  • Dr. Miguel Sáen de Pipaón Marcos

    Neonatal Intensive Care unit of Neonatology Service; Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid, Spain)

  • Dra. Alicia Hernández

    Endometriosis unit of GYN Service; Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid, Spain)

  • Dra. Emmanuela Espagnolo

    Endometriosis unit of GYN Service; Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid, Spain)

  • Dr. Jose María González Granado

    Group Lead of LamImSys Lab; Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias Hospital 12 de Octubre (imas12, Madrid, Spain)

  • Dra. Gloria Hernández Carrillo

    Neonatology Service; Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid, Spain)

  • Dra. Eva Garrosa Hernández

    Department of bio-psychology and health psychology of Faculty of Psychology; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)