FOSCH Research Group

Food, Oxidative Stress & Cardiovascular Health

Welcome to the official website of the multidisciplinary research group on Food, Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Health (FOSCH)!

FOSCH is part of the scientific teams of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Spain). The fundamental mission is to study the properties and bioactive compounds of foods in relation to the promotion and well-being of cardiovascular health, as well as the development of new food products through sustainable ecology and to explore the role of the oxidative status in modulating cardiovascular disease.

FOSCH is led by Dr. Silvia M. Arribas, Physiologist of the Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Maria A. Martin, Bromatologist of the Faculty of Sciences of the UAM.

Learn more about our contribution to science!

Foods, Oxidative Stress, and Cardiovascular Health

Work Address and Laboratories

Food Technology and New Ingredient Development

Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Bromatology
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Production and Characterization of Novel Foods
Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL-CSIC)
Universidad Autonónoma de Madrid
Lab: C/ Nicolás Cabrera 9, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain

Oxidative Stress, Fetal Programming and Cardiometabolic Health

Department of Physiology
Department of of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine
Universidad Autonónoma de Madrid
Lab: C/ Arzobispo Morcillo 2, 28029 Madrid, Spain
